Sunday 14 December 2014



This is a record of our party's adventures through Paizo's Pathfinder adventure path, the Shattered Star, told from Iradil's perspective.

Clearly, there will be spoilers in this!

On the right are our characters, in more detail, but in summary our party consists of:

Our party is played by mature gamers. Themes and content aren't ever extreme, but definitive and creative resolution of encounters and relationships means the narrative sometimes might not be wholly appropriate for younger audiences.

Click on any pictures/images to enlarge them.

At present the external rating of our adventures is seen to be G.

The adventures start here:
01 Starting out
02 The Shard of Pride
03 The Crow
04 Mites
05 The Thassilonian Laboratories
06 The Shard of Greed
07 The Lady's Light